We love creating brands that are useful, brilliant and fascinating.

As strategic and creative partners, we help our clients navigate through change, to imagine more positive and responsible futures. Together, we create brands that live in people's minds and hearts.

Our branding journey

Our creative process, as much as we try to define it, is unique every time. It's a learning journey we take together with our clients, and the result is always surprising, focused, and ultimately profound.

Brand Strategy

The strategic essence of the brand

In this phase, we immerse ourselves completely in the company's activities, fully understanding its structure, processes, objectives and challenges.

We listen to people, evaluating the perception of the brand by customers, employees, suppliers and stakeholders. This analysis allows us to identify any weak points of the brand and to define a positioning strategy that must be unique, distinctive and relevant.

These elements allow us to build, together with the customer, all the intangible strategic assets, which define the soul, essence and intentions of the brand itself.

  • Business Immersion
  • Brand Auditing
  • Brand Architecture
  • Target Audience Analysis
  • Market/Competitor Analysis
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Purpose
  • Brand Vision
  • Brand Mission
  • Brand Values
  • Brand Personality
  • Brand Voice
Brand strategy

Brand Development

Creating what is visible

We develop the brand in all its tangible manifestations, translating it into a brand identity that gives voice to its essence in a state of uniqueness and differentiation. The brand development phase involves the construction of all the tangible parts of the brand: logo, typography, palette, visual language, photographic assets and everything that is essential to make it material and recognizable.

The culmination of this phase is the production of a brandbook, a manual created to give everyone the opportunity to understand the soul of the brand and its visual manifestations.

  • Logo
  • Typography
  • Color Palette
  • Visual language
  • Photographic assets
  • Illustrations
  • Naming
  • Brandbook
  • Guideline
  • Styleguide
Brand development

Brand Implementation & Integration

Brand implementation and integration

We create, produce and direct the creation of materials and communication assets to ensure the most complete brand consistency on the market and ensure that all executions are coordinated.

From the company profile to the website, digital touchpoints and social content, we support clients with continuous consultancy throughout the design process, art direction and implementation of the brand and digital experience.

We integrate brands into new contexts so that they can position themselves and achieve the specific objectives of the brand strategy.

  • Brand and user experience
  • Product branding
  • Co-branding
  • Social media
  • Media production
  • Content creation
  • Direct marketing
  • Advertising (ATL & BTL)
Brand implementation & integration